Location of Project’s Operation
Other: Eastern Mediterranean
Lead Entities: HELMEPA
Organizational Type: Non-governmental organization (NGO)
Partners: Lloyd’s Register Foundation (Suuporter), CYMEPA (Partner), CMMI (Partner), Lloyd’s Register (Partner), MIO-ECSDE (Partner), Premium Consulting (Partner), World Maritime University (WMU) (Partner), Athina Maritime Learning and Development Center (Associate Partner), Elefsis Port Authority (Associate Partner), Gratia Publications – Naftika Chronika (Associate Partner), Hellenic Chamber of Shipping (Associate Partner), Hellenic Ports Association (Associate Partner), Heraklion Port Authority (Associate Partner), INTERMEPA (Associate Partner), Knowl Social Enterprise (Associate Partner), ORIANI (Associate Partner), PEPEN (Associate Partner), Thessaloniki Port Authority (Associate Partner), WISTA Hellas (Associate Partner)
Status of Initiative
Start Date: 06/10/2023
Status: In Progress
End Date:
Description of Objective
Objectives: Provide a region-specific overview of the state-of-play with regards to maritime decarbonization, Identify necessary skills and competencies to support the green/digital transition, Develop flexible training/upskilling/reskills toolkits for seafarers/port workers/employees in shipping industry.
Outputs: Reports detailing the current state of maritime decarbonization infrastructure and readiness in the Eastern Mediterranean, Studies identifying the skills and competencies needed to support the green and digital transition in the maritime sector, Toolkits and curricula for training seafarers/port workers/employees on new fuels/digital technologies/environmental awareness, Audiovisual materials and publications on climate change and maritime decarbonization, Climate awareness programs and materials targeted at schoolchildren/teachers/general public in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Outcomes: More than 1,500 seafarers/shipping professionals/port workers trained and upskilled in areas crucial for maritime decarbonization leading to improved safety and efficiency in operations, Greater involvement of shipping companies and ports in decarbonization initiatives, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector, Improved understanding of climate change issues among 10,000 schoolchildren/750 teachers/2,000,000 million residents in the Easter Mediterranean fostering a culture of supportive of sustainable maritime practices, Insights into region-specific opportunities/gaps/challenges related to maritime decarbonization informing policy decisions and strategic planning.
Activities: Conduct a comprehensive study on maritime decarbonization infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, Map the necessary skills and competencies requires for the green and digital transition in the maritime sector, Develop flexible training, upskilling, and reskills toolkits for seafarers, port workers, and shipping employees covering topics like new fuels, digital awareness, marine environmental awareness, soft-skills, Deliver workshops, webinars, masterclasses, and simulation seminars on safety culture, emerging technologies, environmental leadership, and bridge resource management, Raise awareness among schoolchildren, teachers, and residents in the Eastern Mediterranean through educational materials and campaigns, Engage with shipping companies, ports, and local communities to boost involvement in maritime decarbonization initiatives.
Resources: Human Resource: dedicated team of project managers, researchers, trainers, technical experts, outreach specialists supporter by collaborating partners/associate partners/project stakeholders, Financial Resources: the project is funded by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, Physical Resources: facilities (training centers, conference halls, ports) and necessary equipment, Technological Resources: online platforms (LMS, online project management, online meeting and training plarforms) and cutting-edge maritime technologies (e.g., simulator), Community and Stakeholder Engagement: strong networks of stakeholders (shipping companies, schools, local governments and authorities, shipping associations) engaged to achieve goals and to maximize project impact and outreach.
Nature-based solution?: Just transition
Just Transition?: By investing in human capital the project ensures that workers have access to decent jobs and career growth in a sustainable maritime sector. Inclusive engagement ensures that the voices of workers, communities, and other stakeholders are considered in the transition process. By addressing environmental risks and promoting education, the project ensures that communities vulnerable to climate change are part of the solution. Adopting green technologies and mapping skills and competencies ensures economic resilience and sustainability, balancing the need for environmental progress with stable livelihoods for workers.
Interlinkages?: Target 4.3: METAVASEA develops training programs and toolkits for maritime workers to gain skills in digital tools, decarbonization, and safety, Target 4.7: Climate awareness campaigns and educational programs for schoolchildren, teachers, and communities directly support this target, Target 5.1: METAVASEA promotes inclusion by addressing systemic barriers for women in the maritime sector, Target 5.5: The project provides upskilling programs for women to take on leadership roles in the maritime industry’s transition, Target 7.2: METAVASEA supports the adoption of clean fuels and renewable energy technologies in the maritime sector, contributing to the broader transition to low-carbon energy sources, Target 7.a: METAVASEA fosters collaborations between maritime organizations, ports, and governments to develop and share clean energy technologies, including those relevant to green maritime fuels and decarbonization infrastructure, Target 8.2: METAVASEA supports the transition to sustainable and innovative practices in the maritime industry, enhancing productivity, Target 8.5: Training initiatives focus on equipping maritime workers—regardless of gender or background—with skills for future job markets, Target 9.4: The project studies and promotes decarbonization infrastructure for ports in the Eastern Mediterranean, Target 13.3: METAVASEA raises awareness about maritime decarbonization and trains workers in green technologies, contributing to climate action, Target 14.1: The project’s focus on sustainable fuels and decarbonization directly reduces maritime pollution, Target 17.17: METAVASEA collaborates with stakeholders such as NGOs, maritime organizations, local governments, and educational institutions to achieve its objectives.
Which SDG?: SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls SDG 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. SDG 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Successes: During the first year of the project the following results were achieved: The project was highlighted at #COP28 under the Green Shipping Challenge, at Posidonia2024 and to Mediterranean States at the 2nd Coordination Meeting of REMPEC, 117 shipping companies and maritime organizations engaged in collective activities, 1,000+ seafarers, shipping company personnel, port workers, and maritime professionals already participated in the ongoing survey, 700 maritime professionals trained in Safety Culture, Accident Prevention, Decarbonizing Shipping, Environmental Leadership, and Digital Awareness—already 46% of the 2027 upskilling target achieved, 9/10 webinar participants rated sessions as very good/exceptional finding them highly useful for their work, 80 partners and stakeholders committed to continue working closely together, 50,000+ viewers have already watched the projects Climate Awareness Video, 400,000+ individuals worldwide have been reached through 160+ articles and posts.
Related Targets: Target 4.3: Ensure equal access for all to affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university, Target 4.7: Ensure all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including education on climate change, Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere, Target 5.5: Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making, Target 7.2: Increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, Target 7.a: Enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technologies, Target 8.2: Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation, Target 8.5: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people and persons with disabilities, Target 9.4: Upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean technologies, Target 13.3: Improve education, awareness-raising, and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning, Target 14.1: Prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution, Target 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships.
Synergies and Trade-offs: Synergy 1: The project combines training programs for maritime workers with the promotion of green technologies and clean fuels, addressing both SDG 7 and SDG 8. This fosters a green workforce and supports the maritime sector’s transition to sustainable practices, creating a mutually beneficial impact on both energy efficiency and employment. Synergy 2: By empowering women with new skills in green maritime technologies, the project supports SDG 5 while also advancing SDG 13. This encourages an inclusive transition, ensuring women are part of the sustainability solution. Synergy 3: METAVASEA’s partnership-building efforts, involving maritime organizations, governments, and educational institutions, align with SDG 17. These partnerships also foster shared knowledge and innovation, supporting SDG 9 while reducing industry’s environmental footprint. Managing Trade-off 1: Economic Growth vs. Environmental Impact: While promoting economic growth through upskilling and job creation (SDG 8), the project must balance the upfront investment in green technologies with the potential short-term costs to stakeholders. METAVASEA manages this trade-off by advocating for long-term environmental and economic benefits, such as fuel savings and sustainable infrastructure. Managing Trade-off 2: Industry Transition vs. Equity: The shift to green technologies may create challenges for certain sectors within the maritime industry, such as those reliant on traditional fuels. METAVASEA mitigates this by focusing on inclusive training programs, ensuring all workers, including women and marginalized groups, benefit from the transition without leaving anyone behind.
Learning/Recommendations: https://helmepa.gr/metavasea
Name: George Markezinis
Role: ESG and Maritime Consultant, METAVASEA Project Manager
Organization: HELMEPA
Email: [email protected]